Write 9x better with these 9 psychological hooks
Good writing contains psychological “hooks” that keep the reader engaged. Here are 9 hooks.
Good writing contains psychological “hooks” that keep the reader engaged. Here are 9 hooks.
Explore 3 simple behaviors – getting sunlight, eating well, and exercising – as a way to get more serotonin, which is a molecule that improves mood.
After exploring thousands of studies and digging deep into hundreds of theories, I’ve noticed one thing – powerful marketing and consumer insights lie hidden within, …
This is the most common mistake people make when googling for information. Here’s what to do to improve the accuracy of your search results.
These lifelong activities can help you protect your brain from early aging and so protect your memory, thinking skills, attention, and problem-solving.
The science of happiness points to 9 primary qualities of happy people. These directly contribute to happiness.
Mnemonics (ne-maw-nix) are methodical ways to assist and improve memory. They are mental tools that make information meaningful and easier to recall. Some mnemonics are …
Here’s how you can start building trust and make friends as an adult. I describe the psychological phenomena that you need to leverage.
As we get older, our memory declines. This is age-related memory loss. It’s natural and expected, but sometimes an indication of Alzheimer’s disease. If you …
Positive self-affirmations can improve your day, particularly when self-esteem and confidence is low. And if you struggle with negative thoughts from depression and anxiety, they help.
Here’s how your self-worth comes from the inside. You need self-worth to come from the inside so it doesn’t go when you lose your job, possessions, appearance, and achievements.
These conversational tricks from psychology will show you how to politely and respectfully disagree with others and not let the conversation heat up too much.
Physical looks and appearances matter in odd and interesting ways. But they always matter. Here’s what research says about looks.
Learn about 9 cognitive biases – errors in thinking – that affect your everyday decisions. Follow the tips to start thinking clearly.
Emotional reasoning is a cognitive distortion that makes us believe emotions are facts, and that leads to errors in thinking. I explain why this happens with examples.
Some people like reading content. Some people like watching videos. Some people like listening to audio podcasts. For decades, this observation has sustained a psychological …