BrainROT, REELationships, and The DM Verse
Think of social media as making soup. Most users are stirring the pot. Some users are adding ingredients. The pot stirrers effectively keep social media …
Think of social media as making soup. Most users are stirring the pot. Some users are adding ingredients. The pot stirrers effectively keep social media …
Whoever engages with the beautiful has a good soul. Emmanuel Kant said something like that. Hegel said the art we create transcends the beauty of …
Social anxiety – a feeling of tension, self-doubt, and stress emerging from actually interacting with people and the idea of interacting with people. This can …
We seek people out on a URL instead of IRL pretty much all the time. So we need to know what is considered good behavior, …
Learning your personality type is probably the most basic way to conceptualize yourself. And, considering we are meaning & pattern-seeking creatures, understanding personality becomes a …
Airports have so many shops arranged in apparent chaos in the lounging areas after security checks. But it’s not chaos. The primary reason is – …
Monkey see, monkey do. We aren’t just monkeys, but a learning technique they used – learning by observation – still is one of the most …
What’s common between gaslighting, liking a product, remembering song lyrics, and falling for pseudoscience? A core mechanism of how we perceive the world and form …
The clothes we wear at work, during work from home, or in meetings directly affect our productivity. Clothes influence our behavior, confidence, motivation, and thought …
Everyone has biases and preferences, which we call “individual differences.” But most people share the same kind of biases regardless of their actual individual preferences. …
First, let’s look at how many friends people have. Because, you might just have an expected amount of friends and not know it. Others can …
Do you feel you are angry for no reason or do you get unnecessarily angry for little things? There are quite a few reasons that …
Who am I? This is a question many people ask, and they try to answer it at multiple levels. The most common are their name, …
The Nobel and Ig Nobel prizes award groundbreaking, fascinating research, from how Huh? is the most universal word to the location of brain cells that …
Forget what media says about how violent gaming causes violence. Sensationalism gives science a bad name. Instead, let’s look at research flooded with nuanced insights …
Browsing on Amazon, scrolling on Instagram, swiping left and right on Tinder, observing people at an airport, and talking with others all have one common …