BrainROT, REELationships, and The DM Verse
Think of social media as making soup. Most users are stirring the pot. Some users are adding ingredients. The pot stirrers effectively keep social media …
Think of social media as making soup. Most users are stirring the pot. Some users are adding ingredients. The pot stirrers effectively keep social media …
First, there is what we observe and do – the sensory stuff. Then, there is a perception of what we sense in our heads. Holding …
Someone said remember – “5 tomatoes” to figure out how many feet there are in a mile. It is 5 2 8 0 (five two …
What happens when our greatest creation outsmarts us – not maliciously, but by giving us exactly what we think we want?” A 2-tiered trust issue …
How does the brain create ideas??? – Music, text, visual design, reels, adverts, dance, etc.? I’ve consolidated multiple processes into one model. Let’s also dissect …
Unlike a computer, which would recruit multiple “cores” to multitask, the brain has to use a pretty sophisticated workaround to multi-task. And it all comes …
Whoever engages with the beautiful has a good soul. Emmanuel Kant said something like that. Hegel said the art we create transcends the beauty of …
As the world changes, we are a little blind to process those changes. We talk about changes to understand them. 2 problems – Hypocognition and …
Highlights Curiosity & Confusion are 2 of the most powerful emotions in education. 🤔Curiosity leads to exploration and filling one’s knowledge gap.😕Confusion leads to deep …
For eons we have been a civilization that used skills to adapt and adjust. We used skills to alter our environment by building things. One …
At the simplest level, memory can be viewed as a 3-step process – encoding, storage, and retrieval. But you’ll see the story gets a lot …
When we think of productivity, we often think about productivity habits, focus, and getting work done efficiently. There is enough good and bad advice on …
We seek people out on a URL instead of IRL pretty much all the time. So we need to know what is considered good behavior, …
I’ve been thinking about memes. 2 years ago, I called meme templates, meme phrases, and reel content outsourced cognition – borrowing others’ structured thoughts. Using …
What if smelling a flower makes you spend a few months’ worth of income on a vacation? That could just be happening right now. Welcome …
I’ll introduce 2 frameworks to assess how people respond to their work demands. The first one is by the notable Positive Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and …