Procrastinating with your Phone? Here’s why & how to stop it.
Most of us procrastinate, and more often than not, we choose our phones over important pending work. Why do we do that? Why do we …
Cyberpsychology is the study of human behavior and mental space in the context of technology and the internet. Cyberpsychology looks at all aspects of internet-based psychology. For example – addiction, social comparison, networking, online emotions, texting rituals, mental health problems, relationships, cyberbullying, etc. It is an extension of human-computer interactions and focuses on technology as an integral part of human behavior. Common research areas are the online disinhibition effect, social cognition, phone addiction, self-presentation, memes, social endorsement, and self-esteem/image/worth.
Most of us procrastinate, and more often than not, we choose our phones over important pending work. Why do we do that? Why do we …
This article is a summary of recent studies done on the psychological burden and mental health issues emerging from the pandemic. It’ll be updated as …
Summary: Social distancing and mental health have a number of interactions (loneliness, uncertainty) that people need to address during a pandemic. Psychological adjustment is hard …
Many of us like to look at cute images and videos on the internet – our mood improves. Instagram is purrfect for that. Turns out, …
We see memory as something inside the brain – our ability to remember and know things. However, there is a lot more to memory than …
Many people disconnect from social activities and seek solitude to improve their well-being. This “Social detox” is a common lifestyle choice when things get overwhelming. …
The psychology of social media (research summary) Social media allows a way to manipulate how you present yourself. Many choose to show an overly positive, …
I’ve done courses from the following fields: genetics, python coding, neurobiology, calculus, music, astrobiology, learning, teacher training, introductory Chinese and a few more. I volunteered …
A number of educational systems exist today. Educational psychologists, experienced teachers, thought leaders, and allied psychology researchers have invested a lot of time in studying how …