How Power Naps Power the Brain
Daytime power naps ranging from 2 to 30 minutes outside regular sleep are not just a bandaid solution to fatigue. They are an evidence-based method …
You might wonder why “Cognition? What does it even mean?”
In most cases – it refers to thoughts and thinking mechanics.
In technical cases – it refers to attention, memory, sensation, perception, and internal mental phenomena.
In philosophical terms, it means – the 4E theory. It’s detailed in the Oxford handbook of 4E cognition, which was published after cognitive psychologists, philosophers, and many other allied researchers reached a consensus on how we should look at the mind .
Cognition is Embedded: Cognition is meaningful when the external environment is involved. E.g., thinking of cooking is cognitively easy when we have ingredients in front of us instead of imagining the ingredients. Involves culture, society, and environment.
Cognition is Embodied: Cognition is not limited to the brain, it exists across the body. And bodily changes alter cognition. E.g., Dancing well alters spatial reasoning. Involves the body.
Cognition is Enacted: It’s a meaning-making process that interprets information from the senses and internally generated thoughts. E.g., our brain doesn’t receive an image of our food on the table, we interpret a food experience using our senses and movement. Involves interaction with the world.
Cognition is Extended: It is directly associated with the tools we use. E.g., a calculator helps us think and reason. Involves tools we create, tools we naturally find, and other people.
The advantage of the 4E theory of Cognition is that it is no longer theoretical; it applies to all aspects of life – product development, conversations, education, daily interactions, computer-use, etc.
Daytime power naps ranging from 2 to 30 minutes outside regular sleep are not just a bandaid solution to fatigue. They are an evidence-based method …
Like a thermostat or air conditioner, coffee is a brain and body regulator. Some people can’t start their day without coffee. And some get so …
Many research studies show chewing gum can improve attention, concentration, alertness, test performance, and mood. It can even prevent or extinguish a song stuck in …
Sound on, subtitles on. Ready for movie night. There’s science behind this. I had a small argument with my friend about why I love subtitles …
Memory for facts is called declarative memory which has 2 subtypes – semantic memory (concepts, facts, and details you put into words) and episodic memory …
Researchers say there are 4 basic ways to improve memory[1]. First, process information actively. Second, use recall to reinforce memory. Third, space out your remembering …
You may have heard of the zero-sum game: Someone’s loss is your gain. It’s cited as an economic concept. For every + there is a …
Are you selling something? Are clients unsure of its quality? Use the Effort Heuristic – People use the effort it takes to make/acquire something as …
How you talk to yourself affects your mental health. You can use verbal tricks to change your inner dialog to manage emotions and improve motivation, …
You may occasionally see a healthy 90- or 100-year-old with exceptional memory and cognitive skills. They are sharp, they can calculate mentally, they can solve …
In any learning context, practice is important to improve learning. Whether you are learning a holistic skill like photoshop and music, or studying for an …
Memory and observation can feel like a superpower. Someone like Sheldon Cooper from the big bang theory or a genius like Zack Addy from Bones …
There really is no intuitive reason to assume that a cognitively engaging activity can harm your cognition. After all, video games fully engage attention and …
Imagine you’ve had the most epic food. You are now satisfied. But you have to get back to work and make decisions. Will they be …
When we think of memory, we usually think of “retrospective” memory which is the memory of past events/facts, or “working” memory which is the memory …
The number one assumed threat to focusing at work is distractions. But getting rid of distractions isn’t enough for focusing. Some people can concentrate without …