Ft. Vs. Cms which is Right for the Brain?
Someone said remember – “5 tomatoes” to figure out how many feet there are in a mile. It is 5 2 8 0 (five two …
Someone said remember – “5 tomatoes” to figure out how many feet there are in a mile. It is 5 2 8 0 (five two …
Learning your personality type is probably the most basic way to conceptualize yourself. And, considering we are meaning & pattern-seeking creatures, understanding personality becomes a …
Overwhelmed. Too loud. I need some silence. That movie was too much for my senses. I can’t stop crying about what Elsa went through. Too …
Browsing on Amazon, scrolling on Instagram, swiping left and right on Tinder, observing people at an airport, and talking with others all have one common …
Women perform better on math and verbal tests at higher temperatures while men perform better at lower temperatures, according to a laboratory study[1] on German …
Earworms are those bits of songs that crawl through your mind and find a home in the middle of nowhere and everywhere. You know you …
While a lot of psychological techniques have a learning curve and take time to make tangible improvements in life, some work within seconds. One of …
There is ample anecdotal evidence that shows listening to a fun lecture or lesson is great for learning. It’s intuitive. Having fun & interactive learning …
Psychophysics – Sounds cool right? It is. It really is cool. I am not overstating when I say that psychophysics is associated with our very …
I won’t tell you what you can actively do to be smarter, but I will tell you what the brain does for you. The brain …
I love science fiction. All kinds. The B-grade kind, the kind which has a higher budget for a famous actor than for a thorough script, …
Most of us grew up thinking we have 5 senses. How wrong was that! Seeing – eyes Hearing – ears Touch – skin Taste – …