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What is Emotional Intelligence (EQ)?

Written By

Aditya Shukla, Psychologist, Cognition Today

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The concept

It is the capacity to identify, regulate, express, manage, react to, respond to, use, and acknowledge emotions. It’s often dubbed as EQ (emotional quotient) and is one of the many ways human intelligence is measured.

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What it means

1. You are able to handle difficult emotions like stress, boredom, anxiety, and frustration. 2. You are able to appropriately control them and express them appropriately at home, at work, and in relationships.

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Step 1 of 2

Reflect: When you feel an emotion, think and reflect on why, when, and how you express it. Regulate: Find ways like pausing emotions, distractions, conversation, hobbies, music, etc., to reduce the impact of emotions.

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Step 2 of 2

Words: Choose appropriate words to express emotions. Body language: Maintain healthy body language that may change subconsciously.

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When people show low EQ

Boredom & stress: They make rash decisions and blurt out things best avoided WHEN they are feeling the emotion. Coping: They can't recognize the best way to distract themselves and remove themselves from a difficult situation.

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When people show exceptional EQ

Empathy: They recognize other's emotions and understand the context. Conflict: They show assertiveness and maturity without fighting.

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Core EQ skills

1. Emotional regulation 2. Empathy 3. Conflict resolution 4. Appropriate language 5. Containing body language 6. Healthy expression of strong emotions 7. Tolerating stress, boredom, and inconvenience when needed