Lesser known psychology facts



By Aditya Shukla, Psychologist

1. Drinking warm soup or having a warm bath reduces loneliness. The brain interprets physical warmth as social warmth.

2. If you can’t make eye contact with others, look between their eyes. Others can’t tell the difference.

3. If you want to multitask while watching TV shows, turn on subtitles. Audio + subs increase the brain’s processing speed more than just reading subs or just audio.

4. Use a sleep mask to prevent ambient light from disturbing your sleep. Your memory will improve because deep sleep strengthens your memory and the mask improves sleep.

5. The brain is synchronized with the heart. As the heart pumps blood, it creates a difference in blood pressure throughout the brain and the pressure creates a rhythmic ebb and flow in the neural tissue.

6. We easily groove to bassy music because we process time better with low frequency sounds.

7. Humans perceive pain and heat via very similar sensory mechanisms. Sometimes we cannot differentiate between the two.

8. People like faces that approximately match their names more than faces that don’t. This, sometimes, is the basis of naming pets and babies.

9. We are often more creative while solving other people’s problems than our own because the psychological distance helps in analyzing.

10. Most people hallucinate sounds, music, and even their own names before sleeping. These are called hypnagogic hallucinations.

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